Day 13 – GRC

ImageToday’s the day! We closed on our first house! It took four hours longer than planned because some papers weren’t done, and we had to sit there and wait for the title company to receive them. In the meantime, we talked with the sellers about the previous owner and got to know them better. Our realtor ended up buying us gift from Bronner’s.

ImageThis really made my day because I knew I couldn’t make it there this year, as I try to make it  a yearly tradition to get one new ornament a year with the year on it somewhere. Her ornament couldn’t be more perfect! It was a cute little house with the year and our new address on it.

ImageWhen we finally finished signing and received our keys, I headed back to the apartment to get my house cleansing tools and cleaning supplies for the house. My first order of business was “anti-spooking” my house. With the help of Etain, we got every floor/room cleansed by smudging, holy watering, vibrational cleansing, and blessing with oil. My home was finally ready for moving!


Shortly after we completed the cleansing, Etain had to be on her way. My mom and her partner showed up to help with the physical cleaning and got a tour of the new place. We washed down counter tops, walls, and steam cleaned the carpet. Unfortunately the previous owner was a heavy smoker, so before we paint this spring we have to use a special paint/primer to cover the smell of nicotine.


My home was finally starting to feel like mine. I love my back yard and i can’t wait to see what awesome things are under all that snow. It couldn’t have been a better day. I felt like it was a great starting point, and I was already so eager to show my future step-daughter her new room. She had a christmas recital to go to for her cousin, so she came later in the day. We didn’t have anything moved into the house yet so we went back to the apartment and slept there for our last night.

ImageI did not have any stones readily available. Everything seemed to be covered in snow. I kept finding random change throughout the day, so I charged these pennies as good luck pennies, to be dispersed later on. Etain shared with me one of her rocks she made for the challenge, and gave me an envelope that is sealed to be opened in a year. They both reside on my prosperity altar with my Buddha.


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Day 12 – GRC

Today started off early. I didn’t sleep well due to caffeine being in my system and my brain going 100 mph thinking about a crap ton of moving stuff. We had to meet our realtor at the house for our final walk through, and were a little late because my boyfriends truck wouldn’t start, had a hard time getting my car close enough to give him a jump, and we were blocked by a train so we took the long way around.

20131212-154133.jpgIsn’t this just adorable!

We did the walk through and almost everything is gone. I’m not sure if they are taking what’s left before tomorrow or if things are going to still be there when we close on the house tomorrow. The sellers gave me pictures of the gardens in spring so I can see how pretty they will be.


They also gave me a painting that the owner painted herself of a chickadee because last time I was there I mentioned how funny it was seeing it because my cat has made friends with one here at the apartment. She hears it chirp and she starts flying through the room to chatter at it. My realtor relayed the story and they decided to let me keep it- how thoughtful!


After I got back home I started my morning ritual (oh yeah I have been carrying my sachet and guardian angel token with me.) Today’s card was:

20131212-154601.jpgBeing that I didn’t sleep much (only got about 2 hours of light sleep, on and off) I don’t remember anything from last nights dream. I burned a green candle again today because today I am focused on getting the final figures so we can close tomorrow. I even called into work because the waiting is taking forever and I’m expecting them to give me a number before the banks close so I can get a cashiers check. We close on the house at 9a and the bank doesn’t open til 9a. Can’t be two places at once but I need the money or we aren’t getting anywhere! All I got so far was an estimate, but I can’t go to the bank on an estimate!


As I’ve been waiting I’ve been working on getting supplies ready for tomorrow. I got all my cleaning supplies together and a box of items I need for my house blessing. Once we finish the paperwork tomorrow I will be there all day cleaning and banishing and having fun! I like to be prepared, so I got some things done in advance.

20131212-154937.jpgI got the supplies I needed to make a fresh batch of consecrated holy water. I prefer to use a spritzer bottle as an asperger because it is more effective and covers the area more evenly.


I add sea salt for purification. I also included some crystals: One has clear quartz and rose quartz, the other has rose quartz and citrine.


20131212-155000.jpgThen I labeled them, and packed them into my box with the other supplies so I don’t forget anything! I am using two because Etain will be helping me with the House Blessing, so we are going to do each step simultaneously.

20131212-155006.jpgThen I set out to make my blessed oil we use to seal the windows, doors, and doorways.

20131212-155016.jpgI used cedar wood oil and extra virgin olive oil for protection.

20131212-155024.jpgThis is my first time using my funnel, which wasn’t easy being its so tiny, so I had to clean up my mess a few time heehee.

20131212-155030.jpgI set my oil and holy water on my altar to charge. Tomorrow I will be ready for action! Hopefully everything goes smooth and I can actually sleep!

20131212-155035.jpgHe thinks I might forget to pack him too…..he’s too Fat! to forget!

20131212-155041.jpgP.S. I figured I would also make a protection herb mixture for the perimeter of the property, and I also have rose petals I will use as well. Eventually when the ground thaws I would also like to buy crystals to bury at special points on my property, and to erect a permanent circle.

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Day 11 – GRC


I’ve memorized my morning ritual which is nice because it becomes more second nature and easier to do each time.


I believe in guardian angels in some shape or form. I believe they can change over a persons lifetime. I believe they come as angels, ancestors, animal totems, and often times we have more than one at a time.


I haven’t given much time to connect with these spirits, because honestly I feel silly “talking to myself” and spirits sometimes scare me.


I find it helps to use my spirit doll that Etain made me because it gives me less of the feeling of talking to myself but rather talking to someone/something. I also have one for my stepdaughter which will be shared with all the future children of the house.


When I read this post I suddenly remembered a trinket I’ve kept on my prosperity altar that holds all our loose change and other “treasures” we acquire. It’s just a tiny metal angel token that I somehow ended up with. I think it’d be a good thing to carry with my crystals that I carry daily as a reminder of my guardian angels and other spirit guides.



I got more boxes from work. I have to do the final walk through tomorrow at 7:15a (yikes that’s early!) then we sign papers at 9a Friday morning! Then it’s officially our home! I am beyond excited!!!!


I also spent this morning typing up a house banishing/ cleansing/ blessing I will be performing after we close on the house. Etain will be assisting me, and I dreamed about it last night so it’s got me gearing up for it, making sure all the preparations are in place!



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Day 10 – GRC

Completed my morning ritual. Finally drew a different card! I think it reflects the Aries energy being that it’s a fire sign . I also think it’s a sign from the angels that my petition has been heard and answered. I got really good news today!


I don’t have any small red candles. All I have are big pillars and big tapers. I used a black one to absorb negativity and banish it. I think I need to get more of these candles, I seem to go through them so fast!


I burned it in my doorway. Feels weird burning a candle on my floor. I was scared my cats would try to sniff it and burn themselves.

20131211-121847.jpgI received very good news today! I am closing on our new house Friday morning! I am very excited to get started with moving and making this house our home! It will be so nice to finally have a permanent home! I can’t stop DAYDREAMING! Just like my cards keep saying! There are so many possibilities!


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Day 9 – GRC

I finally have a day off. This past few days have been a blur and feel like I’m struggling to get enough sleep. I’ve even trying to drink more water as well because I have been feeling a bit dehydrated.

I performed the morning ritual ( with thoughts of tweaking it some more) and drew my daily affirmation and tarot card for the day.

I’m feeling very inspired today. I got good news about our house. We are supposed to close next week, but the only stress I’m having about that at the moment is that they haven’t given us the final figures yet, so I still don’t know how much I need to bring to the table.

I am working on underwear drawer right now (just thought I’d take a break) and I don’t plan on stopping there. I am going through all of my clothes as well because I know my closet in the new house is nowhere near as big as the one I have in my apartment so I need to downsize and a lot of my clothes I never get to wear ( especially since I work 5 days a week so I mainly wear scrubs!)

I am cleaning as I go, and I got a bunch of boxes from work to start packing and my best friends hubby is saving me boxes as well. I can’t wait to move!!!!




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Day 8 – GRC

Morning ritual completed. I didn’t use any spell candles today, I just used my working candle. I set it up in my bathroom, filled up my tub with warm water, and put on my favorite calming witchie music.


I thought about guardian angels and about what I’ve read about them in the book I read by Theresa Caputo (the Long Island medium.) She says usually we have two, and even they can change depending on what’s going on in your life.

I didn’t have much time to clean so I did a quick pick up of my house. I slept in since I was out late at the Christmas party ( drank lots of water as well to flush my system) and slept in.

Then I spent the rest if the day at work, which surprisingly wasn’t bad. I had a lot of spaced out rooms but everyone was on a good mood and nothing crazy happened during my shift. Even my coworker who’s been super negative lately was surprisingly chipper ( do you think the juju worked?)

(Sorry for the lack of photos, I didn’t have a whole lot of time before I was running out of the house in a mad dash!)

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Day 7 – GRC


I started my day with my morning ritual. I didn’t have a need for a gossip spell because I don’t participate in stirring the “shit pot”. ( after all don’t they always say those who stir the pot should have to lick the spoon?)

I made a perdition to the angel and anointed a black candle with patchouli oil. ( I timed how long it takes the candle to burn because I was curious…takes an hour and 39 minutes.)


The card I drew today was daydreaming. I think I’ve been doing a lot of that lately, trying to envision what I want in this new home.


I used my singing bowl in every room to clear out any negative nasties. I would like to make a little pillow for mine, maybe with some rice or sand in it to cushion it when I use it to help it vibrate better. I think my hand hinders it slightly, but it still sounds pretty.


After that I had some time to burn. My boyfriend got home from work so he took a nap. So I took the time to clean out the cupboard under my bathroom sink. I found some clear nail polish I have been searching for. I decided to try to curl my hair (I have to skills in that department) for a dance we were going to that night with my coworkers.


All in all it turned out to be a great night but it put me a little behind on posting, so I am catching up on my day off.

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Day 6 – GRC


I started my day with the morning ritual. I usually start by lighting my working candle, my god and goddess candles, then start off reciting the morning prayers with my prayer beads.



I burned my affirmation from the previous day. Then I draw my daily affirmation from the bowl I placed on my altar full of the affirmations I wrote out a few days ago.


I have some oil I made before for myself that worked well today. I used a white candle to cover a few things I needed to focus on today and dressed it with the oil.


I then draw my tarot card of the day. I’ve even using my new deck so I can learn the cards. Today I drew the snake which makes you focus on what needs to be shed from your life and if anything should be reborn into it.


I cleaned out the drawers in my hutch and brought home more boxes from work to start going through things as I pack them. Can’t wait to see what were doing tomorrow!


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Day 5 – GRC (amended)


I feel like I failed a little bit today. I had a night of nightmares and didn’t sleep well. Then I woke up and went to the gym for a half hour of Kettlebell and forty five minutes of spin class, and it wore me out bad! Then I went to get a badly needed oil change, then finally came back home. I didn’t have much time left so I heated up some turkey soup I canned the other day to pack for dinner for work. Then I got ready for work and was out the door again. I still need to finish burning my other candle and I planned on burning a green one today. I’m going to either try to do it tonight or do double duty tomorrow.


Later that night……..


After work I came home and ate what was left of my dinner (famished and exhausted…such a busy day!) Then I lit my yellow candle so it can finally finish burning. When it was completed, I began the magic for today.


I wrote out the sigil, wrote out my full name and wrote out my desire on the back. I decided to add it to the mojo bag I made the previous day because most of the herbs used could also we used for this, so it’s like a double whammy for magic!


I held it over a green candle and reaffirmed and visualized my intent asking for help with my desires to manifest.


While it was burning I decided to tackle all the witchie items I have under my altar (hoping to find a better storage idea when we move, right now space is limited.)


I also drew my card of the day and I drew “dress rehearsal” which signifies choices and alternative courses. It says to imagine all your options and how they will play out. It’s kind of ironic because I’ve been doing so before I go to sleep. I imagine moving into our new house and the different ways i would organize it or different uses for the rooms I will have.


Finally this crazy day is over and I can relax….in a bubble bath! Just what the sore muscles need! Hopefully I’ll be back on track tomorrow!

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Day 4 – GRC


I did my morning ritual and included a yellow mini taper for Raphael. I had the hardest time inscribing a pentagram on it. It was quite ugly when I finished so I hope he doesn’t mind. I didn’t get enough time to burn it all the way so I will burn the rest when I get home.

I dusted and loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up my apartment before I left for work. Threw out a few more things. The biggest thing was my boyfriends radio that we haven’t used since we lived in the trailer.

I drew the card “food” which is ironic because it’s associated with health and nourishment—exactly what Raphael stands for. So I see it as a sign that he got my petition.


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